Support the artists you love.
While mainstream artists like Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, and Kanye West will probably come out of this live music prohibition just fine, thousands upon thousands of artists and musicians will not be so lucky.
Even before COVID, artists and bands everywhere were hustling to make a living. Now, with the mass cancellation and prohibition of live shows — artists’ main revenue source — many will be left in the dust; however, there are still ways you can help keep them afloat.
Here’s how to support your favorite bands:
1. Donate To Associated Charities
If you’re unsure on how to allocate your money, there are many credible charities in place to do it for you. These charities designate funds to ensure, to their best of their abilities, that artists are covered financially in times like these. Some reputable artist-based charities include MusiCares, Musicians Foundation, and Sweet Relief Musicians Fund.
2. Live Stream
I stream, you stream, we live stream. In order to adapt to the concert ban, many musicians have taken to live streaming. On channels such as Instagram Live, Twitch, and Youtube, you can find some of your favorite artists doing homespun performances of their hit songs.
From individual performances from artists such as Neil Young, Glass Animals, Soccer Mommy, and James Blake, to online festivals such as the i Heart Radio Living Room Coronavirus Benefit Concert and Indieheads Festival, artists everywhere are hitting the live streams. With all of the festival cancellations, you can sure that there will be more to come.
3. Merchandise
Other than live gigs, merch is the main money maker for musicians. In most cases, revenue from merchandise goes directly to the band rather than their record company. And, opposed to streaming, much sooner. Whether it’s a t-shirt, hoodie, engraved whiskey glass, or a depression-themed stationary set — all of this will help you help them.
4. Music
The old fashioned way of supporting musicians by buying their music is still available. Streaming their music is great, but if you’re a hardcopy person with a cassette, record, or CD-player, you could do one better by stacking your collection. While many record stores have had to shut their doors since the outbreak, there are some that are putting their catalogue online for purchase.
5. Social Media
Likes, mentions, @s, retweets, tags — all of this helps musicians build followings that draw attention from companies that can provide them with the means and resources to help them during this time and later on in their careers. Following the musicians also allows you to stay updated with their latest news, releases, and ways to help them if needed.
6. Support Relief Funds For Local Venues and Workers
Once things calm down and venues reopen, they will be paramount in providing stages for artists to play. However, much like the artists themselves — and ourselves and everyone for that matter — they will be subject to the economic turbulence of this time. As such, many crowdsourcing opportunities, GoFundMe pages, and relief funds have been set in place to keep these venues and working staff afloat.
Some such pages include: Covid-19 Relief Campaign, Chicago Service Relief Fund, and Hugh’s Room Live.
7. Subscribe To Their Web Series
Specifically, this one:
[Featured image: @carolina_mendozza]