Inspired by cartoons of the 80s, the (so far) nameless series will carry similar themes as the live-action show, with completely different storylines. This brand new animated series comes as the perfect addition to the Stranger Things saga, particularly as the wait for season 5 turns bittersweet.
From a theater play to games and scripted podcasts, the creators of the sci-fi franchise have more than one trick up their sleeve. Set within the universe of Stranger Things, their newly announced animated spin off will shake the table once more, gracing us with more screen time than anticipated.
[Descend into the Upside Down, right here in Toronto!]
While we don’t know when this series will be released, Matt and Ross Duffer revealed “the adventure continues”. Our guess? It’ll be up for streaming on Netflix after the release of Stranger Things season 5.
We’ve always dreamed of an animated Stranger Things in the vein of the Saturday morning cartoons that we grew up loving, and to see this dream realized has been absolutely thrilling.
We couldn’t be more blown away by what Eric Robles and his team have come up with — the scripts and artwork are incredible, and we can’t wait to share more with you! The adventure continues.
Duffer Brothers have collaborated with Eric Robles from Flying Bark Productions to bring this new pulse-racing adventure to life. The Australian studio has previously produced Marvel cartoons like Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur and they’ll now be sprinkling their genius onto our screens.
The series currently has no title or premiere date, so we’ll have to stay tuned for more info.