The feedback has been mixed, but Toronto’s TTC was just ranked the most efficient in North America above cities like New York. A special task force and advisory committee led by Dr. Tae Oum, a professor of transport economics at the University of B.C.’s Sauder School of Business examined how public transportation systems were “delivering the best outcomes for their city” using Pre-Covid data. The news of TTC’s accomplishments were announced at the World Conference on Transport Research Society.
Of course, we’re aware that public transport is miles ahead of International standards in cities within India, Japan, China, and even Madrid, Spain, who has the best subway system in Europe, and that’s where a lot of the gripes came from.
In comparison with other public transportation systems, the TTC definitely has a lot of room for improvement, with some commenters saying that the TTC ranking high isn’t because its’s actually efficient, but because the rest of North America’s transport is so bad.
Others have argued that the TTC isn’t funded very well, meaning that for the amount of funding it’s received, its actually quite good.
One reddit commenter had a positive but fair review of the decision “People always complain about TTC. I commute everyday, subway (line 1) has always been there within 2-5 minutes, without fail. Its been safe, reliable, fast, clean, and comfortable. It’s not perfect, could be better, but it’s pretty darn good, and gets millions to work each day.”